Book 6: aka "the one with the violence"
Story so far: Satan's finally made his way to the garden in Eden and seen Adam and Eve there, and has begun his plot to tempt them into eating the forbidden fruit, though he's been expelled by the angelic guards (for now!) Meanwhile, God has sent Raphael to tell them about Satan and warn them to be on their guard. Raphael has had a nice lunch with Adam and Eve and launched into his flashback story: Satan, mad that God had declared his son to be lord over all the other angels, gathered his legions, marched them to his palace in the north of heaven, and convinced them to launch their rebellion, verbally opposed by just one angel (Abdiel).
Now in book 6: Raphael continues telling his story of the rebellion in heaven. Abdiel reaches God's throne to find his legions already prepared for war, and God praises him, then orders his legions to move out, find Satan's forces, and drive them out of Heaven. They head off, finally meeting Satan's forces coming toward God's throne, and ready themselves for battle. Before the battle joins in earnest, Satan and Abdiel step forward from their respective forces and have a little spat, which ends with Abdiel getting in a quick hit on Satan.
Battle begins in earnest, and the two angelic forces battle for some time, before Satan finds Michael and goes to engage him in single combat. After some harsh words, they begin fighting, and Michael's sword is so sharp that he cuts through Satan's sword and into his side, wounding him terribly. Satan's friends pull him off the battlefield, where he heals quickly, but meanwhile the day is lost, and Satan's forces retire defeated from the field. In the middle of the night, they gather for council, and Satan reveals his new plan: cannons! Everyone loves this plan, and they make a bunch of cannons fast by digging up the ground of heaven.
The next day, battle joins again, and the cannons work great! The forces of God aren't stymied for long, though, as they start tearing up the hills to throw over the lines of cannons - pretty soon both sides are throwing mountains around, and God decides he's had enough of it. He tells his son to take his chariot and weapons and go finish things - which he does, with some fine speech-making along the way. Against the overwhelming might of the son, armed with God's best, Satan's forces don't stand a chance. The son of God soloes their entire army, drives them down to hell, then returns victorious and the angels in heaven sing praises to his name and to his victory, which finally ends Raphael's story and book 6.