Book 5 time! aka "the one where Raphael shows up"
Story so far: Satan has picked himself and his fellow demons up from the lake of fire in Hell, and Satan was picked to come to this new place called Earth to see what trouble he can cause. Last month, Satan met Adam and Eve, found out that they've been commanded not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, and briefly toyed with Eve's dreams before Gabriel and his deputies found him and chased him out.
Now in book 5: Eve wakes up in the morning after a troubled dream of eating the fruit she's not supposed to eat and tells Adam about it, who comforts her. They head out to their gardening work, stopping along the way to offer a long litany of praise for God and his beautiful works.
God likes that, so he decides to send the arch-angel Raphael to go have a chat with them and warn them about Satan. Raphael meets our happy couple, who invite him to share lunch with them, and he happily accepts. They have a pleasant chat over dinner, where Raphael explains (Milton's conception of) the material world as consisting of a single material in various forms and degrees of refinement, all to explain why he can eat food with them. Near the end of Raphael's philosophizing, he mentions some fallen angels, which Adam jumps and and asks to hear about...and so begins the next book and a half of Paradise Lost, where we finally hear about the rebellion and war in heaven.
Raphael tells of a great summoning of angels, at which God declares his Son to be King and Lord of all the rest. Satan doesn't like that, so he and Beelzebub gather their forces and leave the gathering early to prepare their rebellion. They make their way back to Satan's palace in heaven, and Satan preaches rebellion to them, with great success...
...but not complete success, because one angel, Abdiel, opposes Satan's rebellious words and attempts to convince Satan to give up his futile plan. Satan doesn't listen, they have some harsh words for each other, and Abdiel gives up and leaves to go back to God and tattle.